Synod Assembly
Summary of the 2024 Southeastern Iowa Synod Assembly
The 37th Assembly of the Iowa Synod was held at the Hyatt Regency Coralville Hotel and Conference Center on Friday, May 17, and Saturday, May 18, 2022, under the theme “Listen, God is Calling.” There were more than 300 people in attendance including 287 voting members. 56% of voting members were laypersons and 42% were rostered ministers.
The assembly convened early afternoon on Friday. The first business session included the adoption of the agenda and standing rules and the report of the synod vice president and the synod treasurer. Friday afternoon also included two educational learning sessions one led by musician Jon Alibouni who led through song and how music, particularly jazz, can be used in worship and justice. Another education session was led by Rural Shrink Smart an organization focused on small towns and rural population loss. They discussed their findings in Iowa and shared some ways participants can reframe small towns and population loss. The Office of the Bishop gave a report led by Pastor Dan Kuckuck, Pastor Erika Uthe, and Bishop Amy Current. Watch the video of the reports
Friday evening began with a service of Holy Communion. The assembly offering which went toward raising new leaders in our church by increasing our scholarship capacity: through the Southeastern Iowa Synod Fund for Leaders, International Leaders, and Synod Authorized Ministers totaled more than $6000. The evening also included dinner and celebration of milestone anniversary years of congregations and rostered ministers. The evening concluded with a jazz concert.
The second day of the assembly included a report from ELCA churchwide representative, Rev. Miguel Gomez-Acosta, Senior Director for New Ministry Development and Evangelism. The assembly also elected a synod vice president, members of the synod council, synod nomination, discipline, and consultation committees, and voting members for the 2025 ELCA churchwide assembly. See a full list of synod elections
The assembly continued on Saturday, May 18. Business of the assembly on Saturday included the adoption of four resolutions. A resolution that encourages congregations to designate a Sunday or month in 2024 to celebrate the 50th anniversary of ELCA World Hunger by encouraging giving. A resolution to form a synod-wide AMMPARO network and encourages congregations to learn more and join in welcoming refugees, immigrants, and asylum-seekers. A resolution to acknowledge the loss of life in the Holy Land encourages congregation and individuals to pray, and partner with ELCA SUMUD ministries, and that the synod establish a day of learning and remembrance in 2024. A resolution that encourages individuals and congregations to engage in study around gun-related violence utilizing ELCA and related resources. See the resolutions

Previous Assemblies
2023 Synod Assembly
Monday, May 15 - Tuesday, May 16 2023
2022 Synod Assembly
Friday, May 20 - Saturday, May 21 2022
2021 Synod Assembly
Friday, May 21 - Saturday, May 22 2021
2020 Synod Assembly
Wednesday, August 5 & Friday, August 7 2020
Looking for past synod assemblies?
For further assembly archives contact the Southeastern Iowa Synod.