Sumud: For Justice in Palestine and Israel
About the Sumud Network
From the ELCA website:
We are church for the sake of the world. Sumud is the ELCA Churches response to occupation and injustice in Palestine and Israel.In Jesus Christ all of life — every act of service, in every daily calling, in every corner of life — flows freely from a living, daring confidence in God’s grace.
Freed by the transformative life of Christ, the ELCA is committed to accompaniment, advocacy and awareness-raising with our partners in the Holy Land and in the United States. For the past two decades that work was organized through the ELCA Peace Not Walls campaign. In October 2023 the ELCA announced that, following an in-depth review by ELCA staff and leadership from the Palestinian Lutheran church, Peace Not Walls would be renamed and reconfigured as a new initiative, Sumud: For Justice in Palestine and Israel.
Sumud is an Arabic word meaning “steadfastness.” The term is widely used by Palestinian theologians and others to signify Palestinian resistance to the Israeli occupation of Palestinian lands and people. That resistance takes the form of nonviolent advocacy for political change as well as “resistance through existence,” embodied in education, social work, the arts and one’s relationships with the land and community. Learn more
Read a full background about Sumud from Synod Working Group
About the Southeastern Iowa Synod Sumud Working Group
Our Synod Peace Not Walls Working Group began in 2012 and has been working in connection with the Churchwide emphasis since then. In 2023 we changed our name to Synod Sumud Working Group in connection to our colleagues at Churchwide. Our core members have practiced accompaniment through visits to the Holy Land to hear from and walk alongside Christians, Muslims, and Jews in actions toward peace. We have practiced awareness-raising through forums at past synod assemblies, through conferences featuring visiting Palestinian speakers, and through adult forum activities in congregations. We have practiced advocacy through visits to the US Consulate which was previously located in Jerusalem to advocate for the needs of people in specific villages, and through letters to our legislators and visits to their offices in Washington DC. In some cases, we have accompanied Palestinians to legislator offices to assist them in asking for help. We also work through the ELCA Advocacy Alerts to send letters to our legislators, which you can receive by signing up here.
We have recently made available a pre-recorded PowerPoint presentation, which congregations can access. This presentation, in two parts for ease of congregational use, was initially developed to help congregation members understand how we got to the point of the horrific Gaza war that began on October 7, 2023, and continues. We encourage congregations to view this resource to learn more about the situation in general and the war in Gaza in particular. View the recorded presentations (2 sessions just over an hour each session)
From the ELCA website, “Through Sumud, the ELCA supports a viable, contiguous Palestinian state; a secure Israeli state at peace with its Arab neighbors; and a shared Jerusalem with equal access and rights for Jews, Muslims and Christians. To achieve this justice, we need your support! Join us in this call to walk alongside our sisters and brothers in the Holy Land by raising awareness and advocating in your hometown, congregation, school or synod.”
Members of the Working Group
Rev. Christine Cowan, chair, Synod Sumud Working Group
Rev. Russell Melby
Rev. Jack Mithelman
Margaret Kiekaefer
William Vogel
Joseph Nolte
Service of Lamentation and Remembrance - praying for Peace in the Holy Land
Following a resolution passed at the 2024 Synod Assembly the Southeastern Iowa Synod Sumud working group and Pastor Peter Petit have developed a liturgy for congregations to use for a service of lamentation and remembrance to be used on or near Sunday, October 6, 2024. Bishop Current has provided a pre-recorded sermon to use as part of this service.
Additionally, the pre-recorded PowerPoint introduction to the Israel-Hamas war, including history of the area, the current conflict, and some ministry perspectives. These are great to use as an accompanying adult forum or study in your congregation.
Worship Resources
Service of Lamentation and Remembrance Sermon (video, streaming link)
Service of Lamentation and Remembrance Sermon (video, download link)
Education Sessions
This presentation, in two parts for ease of congregational use, was initially developed to help congregation members understand how we got to the point of the horrific Gaza war that began on October 7, 2023, and continues. We encourage congregations to view this resource to learn more about the situation in general and the war in Gaza in particular. View the recorded presentations (2 sessions just over an hour each session)
Ways to Give
Lutheran Disaster Response: Support ELCA partners in the region, including the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Jordan and the Holy Land (ELCJHL), and Augusta Victoria Hospital.
Opportunity Palestine: Support West Bank schools and families, earmark your giving “ELCJHL Schools”
Bright Stars of Bethlehem: Support arts and cultural education
Synod Resources
The Southeastern Iowa Synod Working Group known as Peace Not Walls (new name coming soon!)compiles these resources focused on peace in the Holy Land. They include reflections, connections to Iowa, poems, and more to use for worship, bible studies, adult forums, personal study, and more.
Background information from Peace Not Walls in Southeastern Iowa:
The attack of October 7, 2023 by Hamas, which killed approximately 1400 Israelis, mostly civilians, was a vicious and heinous crime that no one can condone. Our hearts go out to the families of victims and hostages. May God comfort them, and may the hostages be released soon. While we in no way support Hamas’s violence, it has to be seen in the context of 75 years of occupation and 16 years of blockade of Gaza. People living under occupation have a right to resist, according to international law.
Gaza is mostly populated by non-combatants. Since October 7th, more than 11,000 Gazans have been killed by Israeli bombing, including 4500 children, and innumerable civilians are buried under the rubble of schools, hospitals, and refugee camps. News of the war has caused suffering, not only in Gaza but around the world. There is an increase in hate crimes against both Jews and Palestinians. As Christians, we are called to see the face of God in all people regardless of nationality or race.
Resource Links (newest items are listed first)
Temple Talk - authored by the synod Peace Not Walls group this is a great read for a temple talk or adult forum
FAQ document - use as a handout for adult forum, temple talk, or in a newsletter
Lessons and Carols Service - recording of the service a joint venture between the Pennsylvania Episcopal Diocese and the Evangelical Lutheran Christmas Church
New Release about violence against those seeking shelter within the compound of Holy Family Parish (Roman Catholic) in Gaza
Reflection from Rev. Russ Melby on Dar al-Kalima University (DAK)
Reflection from Rev. Chris Cowan on increased violence against herding communities since the start of the Israel- Hamas Conflict.
Among those for whom watching the news has become a particular agony are Palestinian Gazans currently in the US. For the lived experience and personal perspective of Yaser, a friend who lives in our synod, the Peace Not Walls team members commend this video, recorded early in the war. Video from the Daily Iowan
The Peace Not Walls Working Group of the Southeastern Iowa Synod has issued a statement encouraging members of our synod to pray and advocate for this situation. Read the full statement