Job Opportunities
Congregations and ministries associated with the Southeastern Iowa Synod are invited to submit open positions for lay employees on this site.
These listings are linked on this page and featured in our weekly email newsletter as space allows. These postings remain active for about 30 days and can be requested to be renewed and posted longer.
To have your open position posted, please send your job opportunity via email to communications@seiasynod.org
Faith Formation Director
Peace Lutheran Church in Pella Iowa, is seeking our next Faith Formation Director. Partner with Pastor Chad and committed volunteers to create and support the Faith Formation ministry for over 60 children and youth, including our 120 regular worshipping families and adults. Help us learn and grow in our faith while supporting our vision to Share God's Love in the World: Everyone. Everywhere. Every Day! More information at www.peacelutheranpella.org. Please send resume and cover letter to hiring@peacelutheranpella.org. (posted Feb. 27)
Office Administrative Assistant
Gloria Dei Lutheran Church in Iowa City is seeking an Office Administrative Assistant to provide organization, to create and disseminate communication within staff and to congregants and the public, and to create an environment that is welcoming and inclusive. This is a part-time salaried position with estimated hours of 30 hours per week on-site. See the full position description and how to apply (posted Jan. 24)
Piano Accompanist (Part-Time, North Liberty)
Holy Trinity North Liberty is seeking a part-time collaborative accompanist for piano. Responsibilities are usually two services weekly, on Sundays at 9:00 am and Wednesdays at 6:30 pm + rehearsals before each. Festival services are in addition. If interested, please contact Pastor Tim Smith with a cover letter and resume. (posted Jan. 24)
Middle and High School Student Minister (Part-Time, Norwalk)
New Life Lutheran Church in Norwalk is seeking a part-time Middle and High School Student Minister to lead a dynamic faith formation ministry that encourages and fosters the spiritual, social, and personal development of middle and high school students, aligning with the church’s mission, vision, and values. See the full posting and how to apply (posted Nov. 18)
Children and Family Minister (Part-Time, Norwalk)
New Life Lutheran Church in Norwalk is seeking a part-time Children and Family Minister to develop a vibrant faith formation ministry that integrates children from birth through 5th grade and their families into the life of the church. The ministry will align itself with the mission, vision, and values of New Life, creating programs and activities that sustain relationships and intentionally move families toward a life of discipleship. See the full posting and how to apply (posted Nov. 18)