Synod Worship

Synod-wide worship occurs four times a year. These are pre-recorded opportunities for congregations to worship together and reflect on a shared theme across the territory of the synod. It also allows worship planners and leaders time to rest following holidays and large synod events. The four Sundays a year that are planned for synod worship are:

  • the Sunday following Christmas, pre-recorded Service of the Word

  • the Sunday following Easter, pre-recorded Service of the Word

  • the Sunday following Synod Assembly, pre-recorded gospel reading and sermon

  • The Sunday after the Fall Gathering, pre-recorded gospel reading and sermon

Sunday Following Fall Gathering, Sept. 29

Gospel reading, and sermon pre-recorded by Bishop Amy Current.

Service of Lamentation and Remembrance - praying for Peace in the Holy Land

Following a resolution passed at the 2024 Synod Assembly the Southeastern Iowa Synod Sumud working group and Pastor Peter Petit have developed a liturgy for congregations to use for a service of lamentation and remembrance to be used on or near Sunday, October 6, 2024. Bishop Current has provided a pre-recorded sermon to use as part of this service.

Additionally, the pre-recorded PowerPoint introduction to the Israel-Hamas war, including history of the area, the current conflict, and some ministry perspectives. These are great to use as an accompanying adult forum or study in your congregation.

Worship Resources

Education Sessions

This presentation, in two parts for ease of congregational use, was initially developed to help congregation members understand how we got to the point of the horrific Gaza war that began on October 7, 2023, and continues. We encourage congregations to view this resource to learn more about the situation in general and the war in Gaza in particular. View the recorded presentations (2 sessions just over an hour each session)  

Sunday Following Synod Assembly

A pre-recorded video of the readings and the sermon are available for congregations to use. Bishop Amy Current has provided the sermon. Please not that the sermon and the readings do NOT follow the lectionary text.

Sunday Following Following Christmas, Dec. 29, 2024

Service of the Word with a sermon from Bishop Amy Current.

If you need additional file types or have problems with these files contact Val Harlynn

Service of the Word