Have you ever asked yourself, “What’s next?”
Whether we are at the top or bottom of our game, we are always invited to imagine what could be next. For some, the question appears after we have met a goal and aren’t sure where to head next. For others, the question appears when we’re feeling stuck and aren’t quite sure how to move.
In moments like these, the companionship of a friend or colleague can help us move into “what’s next.” At other times, the company of a trusted coach can help us define our hopes and dreams and map the way from A to B.
Coaching uses the art of deep listening, powerful questions and intentional exploration to produce awareness, change, and transformation for clients. In coaching, the client has agency, is the one naming the goals, designs action plans to meet those goals, and does 80% of the talking.
Faith-based coaching (from a Christian lens) looks at each individual as beloved of God, believes that person has been specifically gifted by God, and helps the person discover how they are being invited by God to use these gifts in God's work of loving and healing the world.
Since 2021, the Southeastern Iowa Synod has been developing a network of coaches to accompany people as they live lives of faith, whether as leaders of congregations or in the midst of daily life. Today, our synod has five coaches "ready to go," and six others in the midst of preparation for coaching in the future. Coaches are ready to accompany you:
Rostered Ministers in First Call
Congregations in Transition
Leadership Teams planning for the future
Individuals with a particular project, problem, or opportunity
See the listing of coaches available to serve you and more information about coaching
See a full listing of available coaches in more information about how to get partnered with a coach
Find out more by contacting coaching@seiasynod.org.