Synod Events

Writing a Resolution or Memorial for the 2025 Synod Assembly

Writing a Resolution or Memorial for the 2025 Synod Assembly

Join Pastor Eric Carlson, Chair of the Reference and Counsel Committee, Pastor Mike Schmidt, Synod Assembly Parliamentarian, and Deacon Jodi Schuman, Assistant to the Bishop, for an online presentation on Monday, March 10, at 7:30 PM on writing and submitting a Resolution or Memorial for the 2025 Synod Assembly.

They will answer the following questions:

  • What are resolutions and memorials?

  • What is the role of the reference and counsel committee?

  • Who can submit a resolution or memorial and what is the deadline?

  • What is needed for a well-crafted resolution or memorial and what resources are available to help?

  • How do you submit a resolution or memorial?

  • How are resolutions and memorials adopted at assembly?

  • What happens after a resolution or memorial is adopted?

Register to attend through the button below.

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Lenten Renewal Events with Bishop Current

Lenten Renewal Events with Bishop Current

Bishop Current invites actively rostered ministers, professional ministry staff, interns, and seminarians are invited to join Bishop Current for Lenten Renewal events. Choose the date and location that works best for you. Please RSVP at least one week before your chosen event for lunch.

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Portico Workshop for EmployerLink Users

Portico Workshop for EmployerLink Users

As the benefits administrator for your organization, your pastors, deacons, and lay employees rely on you to help them navigate their ELCA benefits. In this online session on Thursday, March 13, from 6:30—7:15 PM, discover the resources available to help you effectively sponsor and understand the fullness of the benefits and retirement through Portico Benefit Services.  Join Regional Representative, Jennifer Prinz, as she leads this interactive session.

Topics include:

  • Our Partnership in Ministry

  • EmployerLink Overview

  • Billing

  • Employment Events

  • Annual Action Items

  • Time for Q & A

Register to attend through the button below.

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Lenten Renewal Events with Bishop Current

Lenten Renewal Events with Bishop Current

Bishop Current invites actively rostered ministers, professional ministry staff, interns, and seminarians are invited to join Bishop Current for Lenten Renewal events. Choose the date and location that works best for you. Please RSVP at least one week before your chosen event for lunch.

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Lenten Renewal Events with Bishop Current

Lenten Renewal Events with Bishop Current

Bishop Current invites actively rostered ministers, professional ministry staff, interns, and seminarians are invited to join Bishop Current for Lenten Renewal events. Choose the date and location that works best for you. Please RSVP at least one week before your chosen event for lunch.

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Lenten Renewal Events with Bishop Current

Bishop Current invites actively rostered ministers, professional ministry staff, interns, and seminarians are invited to join Bishop Current for Lenten Renewal events. Choose the date and location that works best for you. Please RSVP at least one week before your chosen event for lunch.

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Synod Assembly - PreAssembly Session: Orientation

Synod Assembly - PreAssembly Session: Orientation

Pre-Assembly Informational Meetings:

To help voting members have more time to learn about and discuss business items at the synod assembly, there are several preassembly Zoom sessions about topics that will be covered during the event. These sessions will also be recorded for viewing before the assembly. It is strongly recommended that first-time voting members attend or watch the orientation and parliamentary procedure meeting before arriving at assembly.

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Synod Assembly - PreAssembly Session: Resolutions and Constitution

Synod Assembly - PreAssembly Session: Resolutions and Constitution

Pre-Assembly Informational Meetings:

To help voting members have more time to learn about and discuss business items at the synod assembly, there are several preassembly Zoom sessions about topics that will be covered during the event. These sessions will also be recorded for viewing before the assembly. It is strongly recommended that first-time voting members attend or watch the orientation and parliamentary procedure meeting before arriving at assembly.

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Synod Assembly - PreAssembly Session: Budget and Compensation Guidelines

Synod Assembly - PreAssembly Session: Budget and Compensation Guidelines

Pre-Assembly Informational Meetings:

To help voting members have more time to learn about and discuss business items at the synod assembly, there are several preassembly Zoom sessions about topics that will be covered during the event. These sessions will also be recorded for viewing before the assembly. It is strongly recommended that first-time voting members attend or watch the orientation and parliamentary procedure meeting before arriving at assembly.

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SUMUD: Voices From the Holy Land

Voices From the Holy Land: Loss, Steadfastness, Resilience, and Hope.

You are invited on Saturday, March 8, for a hybrid conference from 9:00 AM to 2:00 PM, presented through the SEIA Synod Working Group with input also from Rev. Peter Pettit. This conference is in response to a resolution passed at the 2024 Synod Assembly in which a multi-vocal educational event was requested.  You may attend in person at Zion Lutheran Church in Iowa City, or, attend by Zoom. 

Please register whether you will join in person or by Zoom.

This is an exciting event. In the morning we will hear from Christian and Jewish leaders in Israel and West Bank.  The afternoon will feature local Palestinian voices from here in Iowa. We hope to see you there!

For in-person attendees, morning snacks, coffee, tea, and water will be provided. Please bring a lunch or plan to order in your lunch from a local vendor. A half hour lunch break will be included in the schedule.

Click here to register.

In-Person: Zion Lutheran Church, 310 N Johnson St. Iowa City, IA 52245-2834

Online: Zoom

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Lenten Renewal Events with Bishop Current

Lenten Renewal Events with Bishop Current

Bishop Current invites actively rostered ministers, professional ministry staff, interns, and seminarians are invited to join Bishop Current for Lenten Renewal events. Choose the date and location that works best for you. Please RSVP at least one week before your chosen event for lunch.

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New Treasurer Orientation

New Treasurer Orientation

Amy Van Dyke, Associate for Finance, and Deacon Jodi Schuman, Assistant to the Bishop for Candidacy and Operations, invite new and seasoned congregation treasurers to a workshop via Zoom. The workshop will cover best practices for budgeting, accounts receivable and payable, and reporting.

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Evenings of Gratitude - with Bishop Current

Evenings of Gratitude - with Bishop Current

Join Bishop Current and others for a light dinner and an evening of fellowship, conversation, and gratitude for the ministry we share in our synod. All are welcome.

All events are 4:30 PM - 7:00 PM

Sunday, Nov. 3
Peace Lutheran Church

Sunday, Nov. 10
Christ the King Lutheran Church
Iowa City

Sunday, Nov. 17
Trinity Lutheran Church

Sunday, Nov. 24
Lutheran Church of the Good Shepherd
Des Moines

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Evenings of Gratitude - with Bishop Current

Evenings of Gratitude - with Bishop Current

Join Bishop Current and others for a light dinner and an evening of fellowship, conversation, and gratitude for the ministry we share in our synod. All are welcome.

All events are 4:30 PM - 7:00 PM

Sunday, Nov. 3
Peace Lutheran Church

Sunday, Nov. 10
Christ the King Lutheran Church
Iowa City

Sunday, Nov. 17
Trinity Lutheran Church

Sunday, Nov. 24
Lutheran Church of the Good Shepherd
Des Moines

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Risk Management Workshop

Risk Management for Congregations

Thursday, November 14: 1:00-2:00pm

This practical workshop introduces congregations to the concept, processes, and application of risk management. Discover key strategies and best practices for managing risk in your congregation. You will hear about the current insurance landscape from a fellow Lutheran in the Southeastern Iowa Synod who is an insurance industry representative.

This meeting will be held via Zoom

RSVP to receive the Zoom link

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Evenings of Gratitude - with Bishop Current

Evenings of Gratitude - with Bishop Current

Join Bishop Current and others for a light dinner and an evening of fellowship, conversation, and gratitude for the ministry we share in our synod. All are welcome.

All events are 4:30 PM - 7:00 PM

Sunday, Nov. 3
Peace Lutheran Church

Sunday, Nov. 10
Christ the King Lutheran Church
Iowa City

Sunday, Nov. 17
Trinity Lutheran Church

Sunday, Nov. 24
Lutheran Church of the Good Shepherd
Des Moines

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Region 5 Boundaries Training

Region 5 Boundaries Training

ELCA Region 5 (the synods of Illinois, Iowa, Wisconsin, and the Nothern Great Lakes Synod) will gather in satellite locations for a combined boundaries education day for rostered ministers on Thursday, November 7, 2024, from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. (lunch will be provided). 

Boundaries education encourages professional ministry leaders to:

  • Engage in critical thinking on power/vulnerability as professional religious leaders

  • Define expectations for professional ethics and conduct

  • Gain tools for implementation of professional ethics and boundaries in daily life and ministry

This annual regional event will focus on professional development around gender justice, professional boundaries, and racial justice. The desired outcome is that region-wide professional development offerings will allow for higher-quality events and adherence to best practices. Rostered ministers are expected to complete professional development around boundaries in the Southeastern Iowa Synod.

This training will be held in person in multiple locations and is intended for rostered ministers, interns, professional ministry staff, faith formation staff, and SAMs.


St. Mark’s Lutheran Church
West Des Moines

Lutheran Church of the Resurrection

Shepherd of the Cross Lutheran Church

Register Online Now

Registration $50 - includes lunch

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Evenings of Gratitude - with Bishop Current

Evenings of Gratitude - with Bishop Current

Join Bishop Current and others for a light dinner and an evening of fellowship, conversation, and gratitude for the ministry we share in our synod. All are welcome.

All events are 4:30 PM - 7:00 PM

Sunday, Nov. 3
Peace Lutheran Church

Sunday, Nov. 10
Christ the King Lutheran Church
Iowa City

Sunday, Nov. 17
Trinity Lutheran Church

Sunday, Nov. 24
Lutheran Church of the Good Shepherd
Des Moines

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Synod Worship Materials - Service of Lamentation and Remembrance- Israel Hamas Conflict

Materials for Service of Lamentation and Remembrance - praying for Peace in the Holy Land

Following a resolution passed at the 2024 Synod Assembly the Southeastern Iowa Synod Sumud working group and Pastor Peter Petit have developed a liturgy for congregations to use for a service of lamentation and remembrance to be used on or near Sunday, October 6, 2024. Bishop Current has provided a pre-recorded sermon to use as part of this service to be used in your worshipping community.

Additionally, the pre-recorded PowerPoint introduction to the Israel-Hamas war, including history of the area, the current conflict, and some ministry perspectives. These are great to use as an accompanying adult forum or study in your congregation.

Worship Resources

Education Sessions

This presentation, in two parts for ease of congregational use, was initially developed to help congregation members understand how we got to the point of the horrific Gaza war that began on October 7, 2023, and continues. We encourage congregations to view this resource to learn more about the situation in general and the war in Gaza in particular. View the recorded presentations (2 sessions just over an hour each session)  

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Compensation Guidelines Workshop  (Copy)

Compensation Guidelines Workshop (Copy)

Deacon Jodi Schuman, Assistant to the Bishop for Candidacy and Operations offers a workshop to help lay leaders and rostered ministers understand compensation guidelines materials, and some best practices, and answer your questions about the compensation process in your congregation. The meeting will last about 60 minutes and is offered at two times.

RSVP: Tuesday October 1 at 1:30 PM

RSVP: Tuesday, October 1 at 6:30 pm

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Compensation Guidelines Workshop

Compensation Guidelines Workshop

Deacon Jodi Schuman, Assistant to the Bishop for Candidacy and Operations offers a workshop to help lay leaders and rostered ministers understand compensation guidelines materials, and some best practices, and answer your questions about the compensation process in your congregation. The meeting will last about 60 minutes and is offered at two times.

RSVP: Tuesday October 1 at 1:30 PM

RSVP: Tuesday, October 1 at 6:30 pm

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Fall Gathering
to Sep 23

Fall Gathering

Connect with other leaders in the synod for worship, and fellowship and to learn from Rev. Angela Denker, author of Red State Christians. Rev. Denker will discuss Christian Nationalism's theological and cultural roots and some practical ways to engage those you serve in this conversation.

September 22 -23
Hyatt Regency, Coralville

For rostered ministers, interns, professional ministry staff, SAMs

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Hearing on the draft Social Statement on Civic Life and Faith

Come to a Hearing on the Draft of the Social Statement on Civic Life and Faith!
The Southeastern Iowa Synod is hosting a hearing on the text of the “Draft Social Statement on Civic Life and Faith” on September 17 at 6:30-8:00 PM at via Zoom. No registration is needed. Click here to join the meeting.

This hearing is a special opportunity to respond to the text of the draft statement and to hear the perspectives of others, as well. Bishop Current will help facilitate the meeting. It is important that attendees have read the Social Statement, if they plan to attend the hearing.

An appointed recorder will keep track of everything said (without names) and submit a report to the task force. Members of the task force will read all the reports as they prepare to revise the text in the late fall of 2024. The task force will conclude its work by issuing a revised statement in February 2025 which will go to the ELCA Church Council and then the ELCA Churchwide Assembly in 2025. 

Bishop Current says of this event "I had the opportunity to attend a hearing for the Civic Faith and LIfe Social Statement and found it really interesting. I hope that members of congregations, staff, candidates, SAMS, deacons, and pastors will engage this latest Social Statement draft and provide feedback."

About the draft social statement: How should Lutherans understand their relationship to civic life — including government — as individuals and as a church? After three years of study a task force has posted a draft social statement on civic life and faith. Between now and Sept. 30 you are invited to study the draft and provide feedback by filling out a survey. That statement is available in English and Spanish. Access the draft and survey at

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Important Topics with Bishop Current - For Rostered Ministers

Important Topics with Bishop Current - For Rostered Ministers

This year the Bishop will be hosting regular meetings with rostered ministers highlighting important topics. These topics do not come as a result of particular issues, but instead out of a desire to equip all of us as leaders as we lead in our congregations, ministries, the synod, and the ELCA.

Bishop Amy Current will host the meetings and will often have other synod leaders join, sharing their experiences.

Leavetaking of Rostered Ministers
June 11
1:30-3:00 pm
Join Zoom Meeting
No RSVP or registration is required

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Synod Assembly Nominations and Elections

Pre-Assembly Informational Meetings:

To help voting members have more time to learn about and discuss business items at the synod assembly, there are several preassembly Zoom sessions about topics that will be covered during the event. These sessions will also be recorded for viewing before the assembly. It is strongly recommended that first-time voting members attend or watch the orientation and parliamentary procedure meeting before arriving at assembly.

Nominations and Elections
Monday, May 13
7:30 PM
Sign up to attend via Zoom

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Synod Assembly Budget and Comp. Guidelines

Pre-Assembly Informational Meetings:

To help voting members have more time to learn about and discuss business items at the synod assembly, there are several preassembly Zoom sessions about topics that will be covered during the event. These sessions will also be recorded for viewing before the assembly. It is strongly recommended that first-time voting members attend or watch the orientation and parliamentary procedure meeting before arriving at assembly.

Synod Budget and Minimum Compensation Guidelines
Monday, May 13
6:00 PM
Sign up to attend via Zoom

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Synod Assembly Resolutions

Pre-Assembly Informational Meetings:

To help voting members have more time to learn about and discuss business items at the synod assembly, there are several preassembly Zoom sessions about topics that will be covered during the event. These sessions will also be recorded for viewing before the assembly. It is strongly recommended that first-time voting members attend or watch the orientation and parliamentary procedure meeting before arriving at assembly.

Sunday, May 12, 2024
7:30 PM
Sign up to attend via Zoom

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Synod Assembly - Orientation

Pre-Assembly Informational Meetings:

To help voting members have more time to learn about and discuss business items at the synod assembly, there are several preassembly Zoom sessions about topics that will be covered during the event. These sessions will also be recorded for viewing before the assembly. It is strongly recommended that first-time voting members attend or watch the orientation and parliamentary procedure meeting before arriving at assembly.

Orientation and Parliamentary Procedures
Sunday, May 12
6:00 PM
Sign up to attend via Zoom

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