Transition Process
Even when our lives seem stable and permanent, change and transition is always happening. When we go to sleep tired, we wake up refreshed. When we are hungry and find food, we are filled. When we take water from the font, with the word of God it is transformed into a promise. When we gather for worship, the assembly is different each week depending on who is there or what hymns are sung.
Whether you are a congregation or a Rostered Minister, change is a part of life. See how some of the changes below might be a part of your story:
Know that you are held in prayer during this tender time of discernment. If you’re curious about a change in call, reach out to a member of the Office of the Bishop. A few resources will help you discern where God is calling you next:
Congratulations! As you get started, there are a few important items to attend to:
Email the staff at the Office of the Bishop to share your updated contact information
Synod Staff will send you some New to the Synod Information
You and the synod staff will work together schedule your Installation
We are so grateful for your years of faithful ministry. Retirement is a big step, and we are here to accompany you. First, contact the Office of the Bishop to share your intentions.
Even though we continue to practice ministry that is faithful, we can still feel like we are not moving forward. A first step is to reach out to the Office of the BIshop to learn more about Congregational Vitality and connect with a Coach that can help explore ways to become un-stuck.
You are in our prayers during this tender time! A good first step is to reach out to the Office of the Bishop (transitions@seiasynod.org / (319) 338-1273) to learn more about next steps. You can also learn about the Call Process.
You are not alone. Many congregations have found themselves in this situation, but with courage and hope have found a new way to practice faith and be a sign of the church. Contact the Office of the Bishop at transitions@seiasynod.org or (319) 338-1273 to talk about these challenges, and explore the “Three Pathways” document, which invites deep reflection on new possibilities for your congregation’s ministry.