Children, Youth, and Family Network
The Children, Youth, and Family Network (CYF) is a gathering of professionals and volunteers who have a passion for equipping and leading faith formation ministries throughout congregations, camps, and communities.
In Southeastern Iowa, the network gathers for a variety of opportunities: monthly check-ins, regional colleague groups, synod-wide events, and the annual ELCA Youth Ministry Network Extravaganza. The network also encourages participation in the triennial ELCA Youth Gathering.

Frequently Asked Questions
For some, the life of faith begins in the home, taught by parents and relatives when we are young children. For others, the life of faith flourishes at other times, whether at camp, in our teenage years, pursuing a college education, or in the armed services.
Regardless of the “when,” ministries to children, youth, and families meet people right where they are and set the stage for life-long, resilient faith. Whether that faith is lived out in the life of congregations or in the neighborhood, the Good News of God is shared more broadly when it takes root in God’s children.
Additionally, faithful pastoral pastoral care happens in the midst of CYF ministry. When people encounter the realities of bullying, peer-pressure, or broken relationships, CYF ministers accompany the people of God through the highs and lows of life.
Be a part of the Network! Contact the email address below and ask to be included in mailings and conversations and begin to consider the steps you can take to expand your ministry.
Ultimately, no one person can create a vibrant CYF ministry - not even a pastor! If your congregation desires to strengthen ministries for children, youth, and families, everyone will need to be a part of it. Growing Younger is a series of conversations that can help your congregation address its capacity to expand welcome.
For more information, and to be added to the mailing list, contact youth@seiasynod.org.