Candidacy Process
Candidacy is the process for people discerning a call to rostered ministry as a pastor or deacon in the ELCA.
Ministry of Word and Sacrament: Pastors
Pastors of the ELCA carry out their ministry as they proclaim the Gospel. They are called to a ministry of servanthood and bring the witness of faith to the lives of God’s people. Providing care and nurture of others and reaching out to a hurting world are essential expressions of this ministry vocation. Pastors assist the Church in transforming congregations as vibrant communities that reach out to serve the world and share the good news of Jesus Christ.
Pastors normally serve in congregations. Some pastors, after an initial congregational call of three years, will serve as chaplains, faculty at colleges and seminaries, leaders in social service agencies, or in staff positions at synod or churchwide offices.
Ministers of Word and Service: Deacons
Deacons serve in congregations other ministries of the ELCA, and parachurch organizations including family ministries, youth, administration, volunteer ministry, social services, music or parish nursing. Deacons connect the church with the needs of the world and work to equip others to lead an active and caring Christian life.
Candidacy Process Resources
General Information - first steps, general overview, ELCA manual and resources
Preparing for Entrance (coming soon) - steps for entrance, Fund for Leaders
Preparing for Endorsement (coming soon) - steps to endorsement
Preparing for Approval and the First Call Process (coming soon) - steps for approval and information about the First Call process
Candidacy Committee Resources (coming soon) - forms, meetings, contacts
Want to learn more?
You are encouraged to begin with a conversation with your pastor. You should also contact Deacon Jodi Schuman, Assistant to the Bishop for Candidacy and Operations. For information about the process and to apply, visit the candidacy resources library.