The 2025 Synod Assembly for the Southeastern Iowa Synod will take place on Saturday, May 17, at the Henning Student Center at Grand View University. Join Bishop Amy Current, synod staff, and leaders from across the synod for a meaningful day of celebration, fellowship, and important synod business. This year’s assembly will be centered around the theme Spirit, Open Our Hearts, inviting all participants to deepen their faith and commitment to serving God and one another.
May 17, 2025
Grand View University Henning Student Center
8:30 AM Check-in Begins
9:45 AM Opening of Assembly
Session I
12:00 PM Lunch
1:00 PM Session II
2:45 PM Worship and Closing of Assembly
Upcoming Events
How to Write Resolution &
March 10, 2025
Join Pastor Eric Carlson, Chair of the Reference and Counsel Committee, Pastor Mike Schmidt, Synod Assembly Parliamentarian, and Deacon Jodi Schuman, Assistant to the Bishop, for an online presentation on writing and submitting a Resolution or Memorial.
PreAssembly Meetings
Monday, May 12 at 6:00 PM - Orientation (Zoom)
Monday, May 12 at 7:30 PM - Resolutions and Constitution (Zoom)
Tuesday, May 13 at 6:00 PM - Budget and Compensation Guidelines (Zoom)

The deadline to submit a Resolution or Memorial for the 2025 Synod Assembly is Wednesday, April 2. All submissions should be emailed to Deacon Jodi Schuman or mailed to the Southeastern Iowa Synod, 2635 Northgate Dr., Iowa City 52245.
Anyone planning to submit a Resolution or Memorial should plan to attend an information webinar conducted by Pastor Eric Carlson, Reference and Counsel Committee Chair, and Pastor Mike Schmidt, Synod Assembly Parliamentarian, on Monday, March 10, at 6:30 pm on Zoom. Resources for crafting an effective Resolution or Memorial and accompanying materials will be shared. These resources will be made available following the webinar.
Please submit reports to be included in Voting Member materials by Friday, March 21. Reports may be emailed to Deacon Jodi Schuman or mailed to the Southeastern Iowa Synod, 2635 Northgate Dr., Iowa City 52245.
In accordance with S7.21 of the synod constitution, voting members to the Assembly are the following:
All rostered ministers under call in the synod.
The formula for congregational representation for the synod assembly is: Two voting members elected by each congregation plus an additional lay voting member for every 500 baptized members over 750 (ie: 1250=1 additional, 2250=3 additional, etc).
Members of the Synod Council
*All assembly voting members must be voting members of their congregations.
*For broader representation, only one member per household is preferred.
*The total lay voting members from any congregation must be, as nearly as possible, 45% male and 45% female.
The representation principles are for the voting members to be 60% lay members and 40% rostered ministers (pastors and deacons). Rostered ministers who are retired, on disability status, or on leave from call may be granted voting status to the assembly as long as representation principles are maintained. If not granted vote, all rostered ministers registered for assembly would be granted voice.
Due to the condensed nature of this year’s assembly, there will not be time nor space for assembly participants to engage with ministries, agencies, or institutions. Please submit a written report by Friday, March 21, that will be added to the Voting Member materials.