Synod Council
The Southeastern Iowa Synod is governed by an annual synod assembly that elects half of the synod council every two years to serve as its board of directors and provide oversight and leadership between synod assemblies. The synod council meets five times a year.
The Synod Council consists of the synod bishop, the synod officers, and fourteen members. Except for the bishop and the youth members, officers and council members serve four-year terms. The Synod Council consists of one lay member seat from each of the six Synod Area Subdivisions, three rostered ministers from three of the areas in rotation, one at-large rostered minister seat, two youth members, and two at-large lay members.
Synod Officers
Bishop Amy Current (2026)
Keith Jones (2028)
Synod Vice President
Jana Grimm (2025)
Jessica Hotchkiss (2026)
Area 2
Rev. Ronald Myers (2026)
Area 2
Sue Stamm (2026)
Area 6
Kevin Mote (2026)
Synod Secretary
Rev. Aleese Kenitzer (2026)
Area 3
Cormac Nabhan-Warren (2026)
Young Adult
Richard Tiegs (2028)
Area 4
Are you interested in serving on the Synod Council or other synod committee? Indicate your interest by completing a Nomination Interest Form, or contacting Deacon Jodi Schuman.
Synod Council Members
Lori Anderson (2028)
Area 1
Renee Sneitzer Kooker (2026)
Rev. Joel Nau (2028)
Area 5
Rev. Ryan Arnold (2028)
Madelyn La Plante (2026)
Alan Fabel (2026)
Area 3