Reporting Misconduct
God intends for the Church to be a safe place for all people to experience God’s love and mercy, grow in faith, and equip themselves for ministry in the world. And yet at times, the church has not been a safe place and sexual misconduct has caused injury and pain to individuals and communities. As one expression of the church, the Southeastern Iowa Synod is committed to creating and maintaining a safe climate and working to prevent sexual misconduct in all its forms. Moreover, if violations occur, the Southeastern Iowa Synod will create a culture of safe reporting, promptly investigate, and support all those impacted.
The Southeastern Iowa Synod has specific responsibilities related to rostered ministers including the management of the roster status of rostered ministers. Professional ministers in the ELCA are listed on two rosters. Pastors are ordained rostered ministers of Word and Sacrament. Deacons are ordained rostered ministers of Word and Service.
The congregation has responsibility for employment matters for both rostered leaders and lay persons. The Southeastern Iowa Synod will provide support, training, and resources for congregational leaders in developing their own policies and practices on preventing and responding to misconduct by rostered ministers, employees, volunteers, or members. The Southeastern Iowa Synod is committed to preventing sexual misconduct within the church and responding with justice and compassion when such misconduct occurs.
Sexual Misconduct by Rostered Ministers – Full Policy
Reporting Misconduct
If you need to report misconduct by a rostered minister (pastor or deacon) in the ELCA Southeastern Iowa Synod, please know that this church takes your concern seriously and wants to be notified of such allegations. All reports are confidential in nature. To report abuse or misconduct, contact Bishop Amy Current, bishop@seiasynod.org (confidential email) or by calling 319-338-1273
Additional information on reporting misconduct is available on the ELCA website here.
If you or someone you know has been the victim of abuse or sexual misconduct by anyone other than a rostered minister in a congregation/ministry (such as a volunteer or another staff member), or you suspect that this might be the case, please know that this church takes your concern seriously and wants to be notified of such allegations. Reports should be made to the pastor and/or the Council President of the congregation/ministry in which the alleged behavior occurred. Though investigation and responses to such allegations are the responsibility of the congregation, synod staff may also be contacted for assistance in the reporting process.
Resources for Congregations:
Infants, Children, and Youth Safety Policy
The Southeastern Iowa Synod is committed to ensuring the safety and well-being of all infants, children, and youth. Our Infants, Children, and Youth Safety Policy establishes clear guidelines to prevent sexual abuse and create a secure environment for young individuals, volunteers, and staff. This policy outlines protective measures, prevention strategies, and a background screening process for paid staff and volunteers. Additionally, it provides a structured response system for addressing allegations. All individuals working with children are required to review and acknowledge these guidelines to uphold a safe and supportive community.