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Retired Servants Gathering in Lisbon, IA

  • Seeds of Faith Lutheran Church 798 Brenneman Lane Lisbon, IA, 52253 United States (map)

All retired pastors, deacons, spouses, widows, and widowers are invited to worship, lunch and a conversation with Bishop Amy Current. This event is being held twice in April, so feel free to attend the location that is nearest you!

Tuesday, April 22 - Prince of Peace Lutheran in Des Moines, IA

Thursday, April 24 - Seeds of Faith Lutheran Church in Lisbon, IA

Gathering Schedule:

10:00 AM    Gather/Welcome

10:15 AM     Worship

11:00 AM     Conversation with Bishop Current

11:30 AM     Group and Anniversary Photos

11:45 AM     Lunch

Please RSVP to attend no later than Tuesday, April 15, by calling the synod office at (319) 338-1273 or emailing Samantha, Associate to the Bishop, at

April 22

Retired Servants Gathering - Des Moines

April 27

Synod Worship Materials