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Writing a Resolution or Memorial for the 2025 Synod Assembly

Join Pastor Eric Carlson, Chair of the Reference and Counsel Committee, Pastor Mike Schmidt, Synod Assembly Parliamentarian, and Deacon Jodi Schuman, Assistant to the Bishop, for an online presentation on Monday, March 10, at 7:30 PM on writing and submitting a Resolution or Memorial for the 2025 Synod Assembly.

They will answer the following questions:

  • What are resolutions and memorials?

  • What is the role of the reference and counsel committee?

  • Who can submit a resolution or memorial and what is the deadline?

  • What is needed for a well-crafted resolution or memorial and what resources are available to help?

  • How do you submit a resolution or memorial?

  • How are resolutions and memorials adopted at assembly?

  • What happens after a resolution or memorial is adopted?

Register to attend through the button below.

March 8

SUMUD: Voices From the Holy Land

March 11

Lutheran Day on the Hill