2022 Synod Assembly
Friday, May 20 2022 - Saturday, May 21, 2022
Summary of the 2022 Southeastern Iowa Synod Assembly
The 35th Assembly of the Iowa Synod was held at the Hyatt Regency Coralville Hotel and Conference Center on Friday, May 20, and Saturday, May 21, 2022, under the theme “Go Tell the World.” In the first in-person assembly since 2019, more than 264 voting members and visitors were in attendance. 58% of voting members were laypersons and 42% were rostered ministers.
The assembly convened Friday morning, May 20th, with worship. The first business session included the adoption of the agenda and standing rules and the report of Bishop Current, the synod vice president, and the synod treasurer. It also included learning sessions about sharing faith stories, Growing Younger, an ELCA program about the engagement of youth and young adults, and Braver Angels, a non-profit dedicated to political depolarization. Friday afternoon included a report from ELCA churchwide representative, Rev. Phil Hirsch, Executive Director of Christian Community and Leadership. The assembly also elected voting members to represent the synod at the Synod Council, synod nomination, and consultation committees. A listing of those elected. Friday evening included a service of prayer for the healing of the nations and the celebration of anniversaries of ministry for rostered ministers and congregations celebrating milestone anniversaries.
The assembly continued Saturday, May 22, beginning with a service of Holy Communion. The assembly offering which went toward support ministry companions in the Lutheran Church in Tanzania; our new neighbors through LSI Refugee Resettlement and new ministry (evangelism) initiatives in our congregations so that all may share the Good News of Jesus Christ, totaled more than $3 thousand. The business on Saturday included the adoption of two resolutions, the first memorializes the 2022 ELCA Churchwide Assembly to support Energy Innovation and Carbon Dividend Act. The other resolution, “Reaffirmation of Anti-Racism Efforts” resolves that the Southeastern Iowa Synod reaffirm its commitment to work on diversity, equity, and inclusion among all people as well as to clearly denounce white supremacy as racism and condemn it, and energize our efforts in our congregations and with the synod’s Anti-racism Network. Lastly, a courtesy resolution of thanksgiving for the assembly and ministries of the Southeastern Iowa Synod was received by the assembly.
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