Synod Assembly 2023
Monday, May 15, - Tuesday, May 16, 2023
The 36th Assembly of the Iowa Synod was held online on Monday, May 15, and Tuesday, May 16, 2023. 253 Assembly voting members gathered via Zoom, 60% of voting members were lay persons and 40% were rostered ministers and there were at least 45% male and 45% female voting members respectively.
The assembly convened on Monday, May 15th, this session included the adoption of the agenda and standing rules for the meeting. The 2024 Synod Budget and the Compensations Guidelines were also adopted. Several amendments to the Synod Constitution were adopted. A report from the ELCA churchwide organization was delivered by Kristin Opalinski, Manager, Ecumenical and Inter-Religious Relations, who highlighted the ministries of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America and the connections with the synod.
The assembly reconvened Tuesday, May 16. A report was delivered by Bishop Amy Current which included updates about the work and witness of the Office of the Bishop and several updates about ministry in the synod’s context in southeastern Iowa. Tuesday’s sessions also included the celebration of anniversaries of ordination for rostered ministers and several congregational anniversaries. One resolution regarding gun violence was received from the floor and was recommended by the Reference and Counsel Committee to be referred to the Synod Council. The Assembly voted to affirm that recommendation. Further conversation on the resolution and the topic of gun violence will be considered in a future 2023 Synod Council meeting for wider synod conversation. Additionally, a courtesy resolution of thanksgiving for the assembly and ministries of the Southeastern Iowa Synod was adopted.
Annual Report
Section 1 – General Information
Welcome Letter from Bishop Current
Proposed Standing Rules
Assembly Schedule
Information about Churchwide Representative
Letter From Bishop Eaton
Roster Changes
Section 2 – Officer Reports and Financial Information
Vice President’s Report
Treasurer’s Report
Proposed 2024 Synod Budget
2022 Mission Spending Annual Report
2022 Audit Report
Section 3 – Proposed Synod Constitution Changes
Report of the Constitution Committee
Proposed Changes to the Synod Constitution
Report of the Reference and Counsel Committee
Section 5 – Proposed Changes to Compensation Guidelines
Proposed 2024 Compensation Guidelines
Section 6 – Organizational Reports
Reports submitted from synod networks and partner ministries or organizations