Synod Assembly Materials
Assembly Materials
General Information - View/Download the PDF
Welcome Letter from Bishop Current
General Information and Maps
Information for First-Time Voting Members
Standing Rules
Assembly Guest Speakers and Education Sessions
Officer Reports and Financial Information - View/Download the PDF
Vice President and Treasurer’s Report
2025 Proposed Budget
2023 Synod Annual Report (a snapshot of mission support)
Audit Report
Compensation Guidelines - View/Download PDF
Compensation Guidelines Overview
Proposed 2025 Compensation Guidelines
Nominations to Synod Leadership - View/Download PDF
Report of the Nominations Committee
Profiles of those nominated for synod leadership
* Updated Saturday Morning -> Resolutions - View/Download PDF *
Report of the Reference and Council Committee
Reports from Partners and Organizations - View/Download PDF
Organizational Reports
** Need materials in hand? Download and print the Assembly Business Printing Packet an 11-page document containing the bare essentials for assembly business. **
Day 1 | Friday, May 17
11:00 am Check-in begins, Displays Open
Note: lunch will not be served at the Hyatt on Friday. Please feel free to check in and then find an area restaurant
1:00 pm Opening of Assembly, Plenary I
3:00 pm BREAK, Displays Open
3:30 pm Plenary II
3:45 pm Education Sessions
5:35 pm BREAK
5:45 pm Festival Worship
6:45 pm Dinner with Anniversary Celebrations
8:00 pm Jazz Concert
Day 2 | Saturday, May 18
8:00 am Continental Breakfast, Displays Open
9:00 am Scripture, Prayer, Plenary III
10:30 am BREAK
10:45 am Continue Plenary III
12:00 pm Lunch
1:00 pm Conclude Plenary III
Post Assembly Worship (Sunday, May 19)
Bishop Current has provided a pre-recorded sermon based on the theme text for congregations to use on Sunday, May 19. There is a pre-recorded video, manuscript version, and text of the readings available on the Synod Worship page.
Electronic Voting
Most votes that will be taken during the assembly will be by majority using the green and red cards to be given to you during check-in.
Balloted votes will take place online this year. Voting members should bring a device that can access the internet. There will be free wifi available. Smartphones, tablets, Kindles, iPads, and laptops are all acceptable. Technical help will be available during the voting period at the assembly.
See the step-by-step electronic voting instructions for more information.
Assembly Offering
Our Synod Assembly Offering this year will be designated for raising new leaders in our church by increasing our scholarship capacity: through the Southeastern Iowa Synod Fund for Leaders, International Leaders, and Synod Authorized Ministers. You may be are familiar with the current need for new leaders in the church, assembly planners are inviting congregations to think about God’s call on all disciples to lives of faithfulness – a call which comes directly from God’s promises at the waters of baptism. Please consider a special offering in your congregation to support this important work in ministry.
Preassembly Orientation and Topical Sessions
These preassembly sessions held over Zoom allow voting members time to engage with aspects of the assembly in more detail and ask questions from synod staff and leadership to learn more about items that will be on the agenda for the synod assembly. These sessions will be recorded and posted very shortly after they occur for later viewing.
General Assembly Orientation - recommended for first-time assembly voting members, this is an introduction to voting and parliamentary procedure.
Watch the recording of this session (~34 mins)
Synod Assembly Resolutions - information about the resolutions that have been submitted, goals for synod assembly resolutions, and discussion on issues.
Watch the recording of this session (~38 mins)
2025 Synod Budget and Minimum Compensation Guidelines - Learn from the synod treasurer and ask more in-depth questions on the proposed synod budget and minimum compensation guidelines.
Watch the recording of this session (~ 58 mins)
Synod Assembly Nominations and Elections - Learn about the nomination and election process, synod leadership, and synod committees.
Watch the recording of this session (~ 40 mins)