Mission Support
More about Mission Support
As members of the ELCA, our faith in a loving God frees us to be generous and to boldly participate in God’s work in the world. Stewardship is not simply about paying the church’s bills. It is about how congregations can together live out God’s call to love our neighbor. We are open to the Holy Spirit’s invitation to participate in and contribute to God’s work in the world using all of the gifts that God has entrusted to our care. Mission Support — the portion of offerings that ELCA congregations share with synods and the churchwide organization — unites us in this vital, life-giving work.
51% of the mission support received goes to the ELCA churchwide organization.
Through that support, we are partners in providing 80 percent of the resources that enable the ELCA to begin new ministries and accompany existing congregations. These funds also provide the staff and resources for the development of new leaders, partnership with churches around the globe, alleviating poverty, working for justice and peace, and so much more.
49% of the mission support we receive goes to synod ministries.
This synod provides direct grants to ministry partners and provides ministry to and in partnership with congregations
2024 Southeastern Iowa Synod Mission Support Spending - Annual Report
There are two ways to submit your congregation’s mission support intent for 2025. A quick and easy fillable online form or download the form, print, and mail it to the synod office.
When submitting your congregation’s mission support to the Southeastern Iowa Synod please also include a remittance form with the contribution check. The information you submit helps ensure your gift goes to the appropriately designated synod or churchwide ministry.
For best results, download and save the form as a PDF. Then fill out the form. To open and fill the file please use the free Adobe Acrobat Reader. Do not use your browser to complete the form. It will not save your entries. You can then print and mail your completed form with your check.
Download the Fillable Remittance Form
Get a listing of churchwide ministries for designating funds.
If you have questions, don't hesitate to get in touch with the Associate for Finance, Amy Van Dyke, at 319-338-1273, ext. 807
The following communication tools can aid your congregation in telling the story of our work in the world in the name Jesus Christ: