Church Administration
The care of resources and exercise of good stewardship is an important component of ministry. The following resources are provided to assist you with best practices in your congregation. If you have questions or need assistance, you are welcome to contact Deacon Jodi Schuman or Amy Van Dyke
Each year as congregations set their ministry spending plan, the synod is also planning financial commitments on behalf of all congregations of the synod. To help with this planning, congregations are asked to submit a mission support form at the beginning of the year. Congregations are encouraged to use a remittance form when mailing mission support / benevolence to Southeastern Iowa Synod Center for Ministry.
Learn how your mission support dollars change lives here in Iowa and across the world. This printable PDF is for congregational use, highlighting the broad-based ministries that we do together as the Southeastern Iowa Synod and ELCA.
The Southeastern Iowa Synod recommends rostered ministers and congregational leaders to engage in an annual review. The review provides space for a formal conversation about where the congregation has been in the past year(s) and sense where God is calling the congregation in the coming year(s) in shared ministry. The commitment to an annual review/conversation keeps the congregation and rostered minister accountable to one another and to the ministry to which has been entrusted to the congregation.
Administration Matters is a bimonthly e-newsletter for ELCA congregational and synodical leaders. It addresses common, practical issues including finance, governance, risk management, tax, legal concerns and topics of interest about day to day operations and management in church settings. To view the current issue and sign-up to receive the e-newsletter, visit the ELCA Administration Matters web page.
Congregations are required to file Annual Congregation Report Form A each year. Reports may be submitted online through the ELCA's Annual Congregation Report Online System. To access the site, you will need your congregation ID number and the password found in the letter mailed to you in January.
How long does a congregation keep financial records, employee files, or members’ information? Advice and guides can be found on the ELCA Office of the Secretary Resource page.
Resources for treasurers and bookkeepers of congregations concerning accountable reimbursement policies, audits, internal control best practices, and much more are available on the ELCA Financial Resources page.
Guidance for IRS Mileage Rate for 2025
Year End Financial Checklist - information for treasurers and bookkeepers of congregations to prepare year end financial and administrative tasks.
General legal information from the general counsel of the ELCA concerning the church for members, pastors, and congregations to help answer questions of financial, property, and other matters is available to congregations on the ELCA Legal Issues Resource page.
Biennial Report Instructions - A Biennial Report in Iowa is a legally regular filing that your congregation must complete every two years with the Secretary of State.