Time for Action: Immigration Advocacy and Support Letter from Iowa’s Ecumenical Leaders

To our migrant siblings in Christ: 

As we celebrate the life and witness of the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr, and his call to beloved community, we stand with our Catholic colleagues in extending to you our prayers, our solidarity and our witness in these trying times. We are aware of the uncertainty, fear and threat you face as migrants, immigrants, refugees and asylum seekers. We want you to know that you are loved and valued by God and by us. You are not alone. 

We are neighbors, friends and colleagues. Together, we are part of the household of God. Despite the harmful rhetoric we hear, we are all made in God’s image and precious and honored in God’s sight (Isaiah 43:4). We recognize and are thankful for the immense gifts contributed to the collective culture and shared experience.

As members of the Body of Christ, we stand together, reminding our nation of its historic commitments to human rights. We will renew our commitment to live out God’s second greatest commandment, “You shall love your neighbor as yourself” (Matthew 22:39). We will work to protect inherent dignity and insist on fair, lawful and compassionate treatment of everyone.

All of us in the Church of Jesus Christ are sojourners, “For here we have no lasting city, but we are looking for the city that is to come,” (Hebrews 13:14). We invite all people of Iowa to join us in sojourning with you in ways that are just and respectful of our shared humanity. May God bless you and give you peace as we walk together this common journey.

In Christ,

Rev. Kennetha J. Bigham-Tsai, bishop of the Iowa Annual Conference and Illinois Great Rivers Conference of the United Methodist Church

Rev. Amy Current, bishop of the Southeastern Iowa Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America

The Rt. Rev. Betsey Monnot, bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of Iowa

 Rev. Roberto Ochoa, conference minister of the Iowa, Nebraska and South Dakota Conferences of the United Church of Christ

Rev. Kendy Miller, associate conference minister of the Iowa, Nebraska and South Dakota Conferences of the United Church of Christ

Rev. Lorna H. Halaas, bishop of the Western Iowa Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America

Rev. Ian McMullen, executive presbyter, Presbytery of Des Moines, Presbyterian Church (USA)

Elder Amgad Beblawi, ministry and mission executive, Presbytery of Des Moines, Presbyterian Church (USA)

Rev. Kevin Jones, bishop of the Northeastern Iowa Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America



The resources compiled by ELCA AMMPARO can help communities stay generally informed, prepared and united in support of immigrant neighbors.

·      Know your Rights

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Tiempo por Acción: Carta de apoyo y defensa de la inmigración de los líderes ecuménicos de Iowa 

Enero 20, 2025

A nuestros hermanos migrantes en Cristo:

Al celebrar la vida y el testimonio del reverendo Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. y su llamado a la comunidad amada, nos unimos a nuestros colegas católicos para extenderles nuestras oraciones, nuestra solidaridad y nuestro testimonio en estos tiempos difíciles. Somos conscientes de la incertidumbre, el miedo y la amenaza que enfrentan como migrantes, inmigrantes, refugiados y solicitantes de asilo. Queremos que sepan que son amados y valorados por Dios y por nosotros. No están solos.

Somos vecinos, amigos y colegas. Juntos, somos parte de la familia de Dios. A pesar de la retórica dañina que escuchamos, todos estamos hechos a imagen de Dios y somos preciosos y honrados a los ojos de Dios (Isaías 43:4). Reconocemos y agradecemos los inmensos dones aportados a la cultura colectiva y a la experiencia compartida.

Como miembros del Cuerpo de Cristo, nos mantenemos unidos, recordando a nuestra nación de sus compromisos históricos con los derechos humanos. Renovaremos nuestro compromiso de vivir el segundo gran mandamiento de Dios: “Amarás a tu prójimo como a ti mismo” (Mateo 22:39). Trabajaremos para proteger la dignidad inherente e insistiremos en un trato justo, legítimo y compasivo para todos. Todos nosotros en la Iglesia de Jesucristo somos viajeros, “Porque no tenemos aquí ciudad permanente, sino que buscamos la ciudad por venir” (Hebreos 13:14). Invitamos a todas las personas de Iowa a unirse a nosotros para peregrinar con ustedes de maneras que sean justas y respetuosas de nuestra humanidad compartida. Que Dios los bendiga y les dé paz mientras caminamos juntos en este viaje común.

En Cristo,

Rev. Kennetha J. Bigham-Tsai, bishop of the Iowa Annual Conference and Illinois Great Rivers Conference of the United Methodist Church

Rev. Amy Current, bishop of the Southeastern Iowa Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America 

The Rt. Rev. Betsey Monnot, bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of Iowa

Rev. Roberto Ochoa, conference minister of the Iowa, Nebraska and South Dakota Conferences of the United Church of Christ

Rev. Kendy Miller, associate conference minister of the Iowa, Nebraska and South Dakota Conferences of the United Church of Christ 

Rev. Lorna H. Halaas, bishop of the Western Iowa Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America

Rev. Ian McMullen, executive presbyter, Presbytery of Des Moines, Presbyterian Church (USA)

Elder Amgad Beblawi, ministry and mission executive, Presbytery of Des Moines, Presbyterian Church (USA)

Rev. Kevin Jones, bishop of the Northeastern Iowa Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America


Los recursos compilados por ELCA AMMPARO pueden ayudar a las comunidades a mantenerse generalmente informadas, preparadas y unidas en apoyo a los vecinos inmigrantes.

• Conozca sus derechos

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Reflection from Bishop Amy Current regarding political division - January 2025


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