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Region 5 Boundaries Training

  • Multiple Locations (map)

ELCA Region 5 (the synods of Illinois, Iowa, Wisconsin, and the Nothern Great Lakes Synod) will gather in satellite locations for a combined boundaries education day for rostered ministers on Thursday, November 7, 2024, from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. (lunch will be provided). 

Boundaries education encourages professional ministry leaders to:

  • Engage in critical thinking on power/vulnerability as professional religious leaders

  • Define expectations for professional ethics and conduct

  • Gain tools for implementation of professional ethics and boundaries in daily life and ministry

This annual regional event will focus on professional development around gender justice, professional boundaries, and racial justice. The desired outcome is that region-wide professional development offerings will allow for higher-quality events and adherence to best practices. Rostered ministers are expected to complete professional development around boundaries in the Southeastern Iowa Synod.

This training will be held in person in multiple locations and is intended for rostered ministers, interns, professional ministry staff, faith formation staff, and SAMs.


St. Mark’s Lutheran Church
West Des Moines

Lutheran Church of the Resurrection

Shepherd of the Cross Lutheran Church

Register Online Now

Registration $50 - includes lunch

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