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Hearing on the draft Social Statement on Civic Life and Faith

Come to a Hearing on the Draft of the Social Statement on Civic Life and Faith!
The Southeastern Iowa Synod is hosting a hearing on the text of the “Draft Social Statement on Civic Life and Faith” on September 17 at 6:30-8:00 PM at via Zoom. No registration is needed. Click here to join the meeting.

This hearing is a special opportunity to respond to the text of the draft statement and to hear the perspectives of others, as well. Bishop Current will help facilitate the meeting. It is important that attendees have read the Social Statement, if they plan to attend the hearing.

An appointed recorder will keep track of everything said (without names) and submit a report to the task force. Members of the task force will read all the reports as they prepare to revise the text in the late fall of 2024. The task force will conclude its work by issuing a revised statement in February 2025 which will go to the ELCA Church Council and then the ELCA Churchwide Assembly in 2025. 

Bishop Current says of this event "I had the opportunity to attend a hearing for the Civic Faith and LIfe Social Statement and found it really interesting. I hope that members of congregations, staff, candidates, SAMS, deacons, and pastors will engage this latest Social Statement draft and provide feedback."

About the draft social statement: How should Lutherans understand their relationship to civic life — including government — as individuals and as a church? After three years of study a task force has posted a draft social statement on civic life and faith. Between now and Sept. 30 you are invited to study the draft and provide feedback by filling out a survey. That statement is available in English and Spanish. Access the draft and survey at

July 12

ELCA Youth Gathering

September 22

Fall Gathering