Synod Worship

Synod-wide worship occurs four times a year. These are pre-recorded opportunities for congregations to worship together and reflect on a shared theme across the territory of the synod. It also allows worship planners and leaders time to rest following holidays and large synod events. The four Sundays a year that are planned for synod worship are:

  • the Sunday following Christmas, pre-recorded Service of the Word

  • the Sunday following Easter, pre-recorded Service of the Word

  • the Sunday following Synod Assembly, pre-recorded gospel reading and sermon

  • The Sunday after the Fall Gathering, pre-recorded gospel reading and sermon

Sunday Following Easter

A pre-recorded Service of the Word is available for congregations to use. Bishop Amy Current has provided the sermon.

Sunday Following Following Christmas

Service of the Word with a sermon from Bishop Amy Current.

If you need additional file types or have problems with these files contact, Val Harlynn

Service of the Word

Sunday Following Fall Gathering, October 1

Gospel reading, Matthew 21:23-32 and sermon from Bishop Amy Current